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Author: Bernard Magee

  • 0334b1f1 88e6 43b0 8358 Fb79bd51bb9a 1024x768

    March 29, 2021
    In the queue to get my first vaccine last week. Pleased to visit the local Stadium for the first time.…
  • Ed67aa9b D8c1 4e09 9ee1 20606e05f1d3 1024x768

    March 19, 2021
    The bread rose and it is certainly a pleasant gluten-free loaf. It turns out that using fresh yeast is the…
  • 31b4799b C274 4d49 80a3 97da9747d53c 768x1024

    February 21, 2021
    Two pictures of Alfie’s (and my) weekend. Exploring on the right with a strange branch in the shape of his…
  • 51abf67e C477 4a94 8f16 0453217e50ea 1024x768

    February 7, 2021
    Helen was working at the weekend and we had to help out by dropping off an extra camera. These vehicles…
  • 909c6631 85d1 455a 939f Eed37c2af8db 768x1024

    January 25, 2021
    I did not turn on the computers on Sunday we were having too much fun. Alfie was on the sled,…
  • 351401ed 89e9 45e8 B70e Dfa727e5c730 768x1024

    January 17, 2021
    The family are getting used to a morning cycle. Alfie on his balance bike and us on the pedalling machines.…
  • 6456ca61 066e 421e 9910 81e0f5dc8a1f 768x1024

    December 6, 2020
    He started the day with balloon football. And the fun went on throughout the day. Obviously he was spoilt rotten…
  • Cadd7654 322f 417e Bd3b 7415ca4acd01 769x1024

    November 28, 2020
    It seems a long time ago now, but this is a family picture at the beginning of our week break.…
  • D7ced92f 39e9 48cd Bb30 96c1009cd7e0 768x1024

    November 28, 2020
    Alfie was invited to a nursery Mad Hatter’s party so I selotaped cars to his bike helmet. Never did get…
  • C13b37e1 F6d3 4381 B689 E35d97bd6dc5 768x1024

    November 23, 2020
    Having been ill since we had our little holiday, I had failed to update my blog for which I apologise.…