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The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid

This morning’s story

Alfie loves sunken boats and treasure. He just about manages to stay the course for most of the tale.

A very sad story but brings back memories of better times

Alfie won’t remember that he has seen the little mermaid before

Just five months ago we were on a Christmas markets cruise on the Balmoral. It seems a world away now

Posted by: Bernard Magee



    Thank you Alfie for sharing your watermelon at breakfast. My it was cold on the cruise but we saw so many exciting things. Playing bridge with Bernard was ruined by having a no cards of value all night. Alll those weeks floating around in the ocean with Mr Bridge going nowhere was so memorable. Maybe we should have a photo album of out McGee family and bridge fans?
    Joanie Busfield

  • Linda Parry
    Linda Parry

    I fear the World we all knew is lost to us but, at least your little one knew some of it and, hopefully, will, like all of us as children, will remember the magical bits he does remember.

    • doreen higgins
      doreen higgins

      A dear little boy. Enjoy every minute, the time passes so quickly Doreen Higgins

    • june baguley
      june baguley

      why regrets? Hopefully we can now have an opportunity to make the world a healthier calmer place for young ones like Alfie to grow into!

  • Helen McNeil
    Helen McNeil

    Gorgeous photo!

  • randhl

    The Christmas Markets Cruise was most enjoyable. We have great memories of it. Robin and Hilary

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