Tag: Bernard Magee

  • Going Live

    March 27, 2020
    This is a taste of the equipment and set up that Helen has been working on to get me going…
  • Last outing before lockdown

    March 27, 2020
    Alfie with a cousin in Brighton enjoying the waves. No bridge trips so having a lot of family time.
  • Up to Scotland and over to the Fjords

    July 27, 2019
    I stayed at a hotel on my way up to Rosyth for a cruise. We are actively looking for more…
  • From Richmond to Nursery

    July 27, 2019
    The next weekend I was doing a morning seminar at Richmond bridge club on 4-4-4-1 hands. All went well and…
  • Mr Bridge Party

    July 27, 2019
    80 years and counting. Over 350 guests came to celebrate the occasion. The weather was perfect and the whole day…
  • Back to bridge weekends

    July 5, 2019
    Two weekends on the trot but there is time for the family to enjoy summer. Last weekend I was in…
  • Italy here we come

    June 21, 2019
    Another country in a day! In and out of Verona to see our new hotel on lake Garda. Looks great.…
  • Is Mr Bridge off to Mallorca?

    June 13, 2019
    Here I am in Palma airport after a day trip to puerto pollensa. Visiting a hotel with Peter Kirk, the…
  • Birthday and Brighton

    June 13, 2019
    Another year amassed! My birthday was duly celebrated and then the family had a break in Brighton with my brother…
  • Back from Malta

    May 18, 2019
    We had a great time in Malta. My family has some good time - here Alfie is getting ready to…