Tag: Alfie

  • Cycling Routine

    January 17, 2021
    The family are getting used to a morning cycle. Alfie on his balance bike and us on the pedalling machines.…
  • Happy Birthday Alfie

    December 6, 2020
    He started the day with balloon football. And the fun went on throughout the day. Obviously he was spoilt rotten…
  • When the holiday started

    November 28, 2020
    It seems a long time ago now, but this is a family picture at the beginning of our week break.…
  • Mad Hatter

    November 28, 2020
    Alfie was invited to a nursery Mad Hatter’s party so I selotaped cars to his bike helmet. Never did get…
  • Holiday Tales

    November 23, 2020
    Having been ill since we had our little holiday, I had failed to update my blog for which I apologise.…
  • Chocolate Brownies

    October 20, 2020
    So I have posted our favourite recipe on the gluten free forum at the same time as having Alfie help…
  • More cooking & Halloween

    October 18, 2020
    Alfie and Helen emptied the pumpkins to ready for carving but were then busy making pumpkin lasagne. Mops and cloths…
  • Treacle Bread

    October 18, 2020
    Here are me and Alfie making treacle bread, the first recipe on the gluten free forum. This is the start…
  • Alfie in Autumn

    September 27, 2020
    I have been a little lax in posting so will have to change my ways and start uploading more regularly.…
  • Ice cream and breakfast

    August 6, 2020
    The ice cream was a special treat but he hears the van go by every day so there is pressure…