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Italian Chickpea Flatbread

Bernard Magee - 

Italian Chickpea Flatbread

Helen and I generally operate gluten-free so we look for various recipes.

This one has worked out nicely for Friday lunchtimes: it is so simple.

Very simple to do. Make the mixture at 7 in the morning. Do the live show at 11. Feed Alfie whilst heating the oven and then the bread is done in 15 minutes for our lunch.
It is definitely a dipping style bread which goes well with hummus and taramasalata. Helen makes the hummus herself.
Although I should add that Alfie does help at all stages.

Posted by: Bernard Magee


  • Judith Morison
    Judith Morison

    I at last tried this flatbread. I talked to you on BBO and ended that I would. I daren't go in shops yet and local store has very limited GF but I finally got someone to get me chick pea flour (which I have not used before). I don't think I did it right – do you use an electric whisk or a wooden spoon by hand? Also I hadn't a big enough metal pie tin so used a pyrex one. It ended up soggy but it was vaguely edible. I will have another try

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      Bernard Magee

      I hand whisk – then leave for 3 or 4 hours. If a bit soggy – it probably needs a little longer in the oven.

  • Susan Stephens
    Susan Stephens

    Can you please give me the ingredients for the Italian Chickpea Flatbread? I have Coeliac Disease so I am always looking for easy GF recipes.
    I have really enjoyed your lessons and especially your discussions during the teams on a Friday. Here in NZ the bridge clubs are all open again and tournaments started several weeks ago and they have had a great turnout . People love to be back playing face to face.

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