Finding ways to spend our morning money

Bernard Magee - 

Finding ways to spend our morning money

Helen and I took a tram in to Vienna, but having missed breakfast we searched out a cafe in the sun.

We found a rather posh one!

Landtmann: plenty of history and plenty of atmosphere with the cameras arriving as we left for the election results.

Helen had avocado and I had salmon: thoroughly spoilt.

We then walked around the city in glorious sunshine.

However with me below par and Helen’s tummy swelling we had plenty of pauses…

Got back to the ship to rest before dinner and then a busy session of bridge.

Next morning I gave an early seminar and then more sunshine as we cruised in to Budapest.

Then I was able to share this glorious city with a Helen:

A long walk before dinner and then with one section Sandy and co looked after the bridge as we took in the lights and then settled down for a nightcap at Kollazs the bar of the Gresham Hotel:

The bill was impressive but the atmosphere was amazing. My tipple was an interesting whiskey aged in Tokay casks

Then to bed expecting to wake up cold-free.

Posted by: Bernard Magee

1 comment

  • Robin and Hilary

    Hope you are both well and that cruise two is a great as the first. Best wishes, Robin and Hilary

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