Dodging the Weather

Bernard Magee - 

Dodging the Weather

I was in St Anne’s for a Bridge event on Monday and was so lucky with the weather – the snows had cleared. Coming back on Wednesday evening just before the second storm arrived.

Now I am back home and Alfie and I are enjoying the Spring. Bird song, squirrels galore and spring flowers as can be glimpsed in the pic.

Next week I am off to Dartmoor again – no more snow I hope. And then later in the week I am helping Helen at the photography show at the NEC.

Posted by: Bernard Magee

1 comment

  • JILL Blanchard

    Just found your blog Bernard. Fabulous Bridge Break with you at The Two Bridges Hotel. Wonderful to see you again. So many happy memories especially for us our five consecutive years at The Royal Kenz, Tunisia. You are an amazing teacher and now a firm friend. Thank you so much for everything you do to encourage all your clients. Love you Bernard ! JILL and John Blanchard. Look forward to meeting Helen and baby Alfred when you are next in Devon

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