Tag: Alfie

  • From Richmond to Nursery

    July 27, 2019
    The next weekend I was doing a morning seminar at Richmond bridge club on 4-4-4-1 hands. All went well and…
  • Back to bridge weekends

    July 5, 2019
    Two weekends on the trot but there is time for the family to enjoy summer. Last weekend I was in…
  • Birthday and Brighton

    June 13, 2019
    Another year amassed! My birthday was duly celebrated and then the family had a break in Brighton with my brother…
  • Back from Malta

    May 18, 2019
    We had a great time in Malta. My family has some good time - here Alfie is getting ready to…
  • In Malta

    May 12, 2019
    I am in Malta for Mr Bridge's first holiday in St Paul's Bay. I have my family with me. Here…
  • More Denham

    January 24, 2019
    Within ten days we were back at Denham for the new ACOL REBOOT event which we were replacing the filming…
  • Happy birthday Alfie

    December 6, 2018
    What a wonderful year! I have been around the world in more ways than one. Alfie is wearing his birthday…
  • DaDa

    November 20, 2018
    I have been on a cruise for 9 days visiting Morocco and then the Canaries. Today, whilst WhatsApping home Alfie…
  • From family to family

    July 11, 2018
    We have been doing weekends with our respective families. Malvern one weekend and then Ryden Grange the next. Alfie has…
  • Sunny Berkshire

    April 26, 2018
    It has been some time since my last post as I get ready for my first sojourns abroad since becoming…