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Happy New Year

Bernard Magee - 

Happy New Year

I was lucky enough to have my wife and child with me for New Year. Alfie was so well behaved. He slept through all the evening meals allowing Helen to relax a little.

I worked from 27 December until tonight. A really busy time, but a great crowd of people made for a rewarding time.

The setting for the Gala Dinner was lovely. The hotel staff worked tirelessly to accommodate our every whim.

And the Speedball which started at 00.30 in the new year had 19 tables: a record.

Helen had created a playlist for the dancing again this year and she had the dance floor full (& overflowing) again this year.

Alfie even had a dance.

My team worked really hard so lots of thanks to them:

It was lovely to be able to work and have my family together at the same time.

Happy new year.

Posted by: Bernard Magee


  • Geoff Hall
    Geoff Hall

    Great event, Bernard, and what a lovely family you have! Your wife, Helen, was wonderful and relaxed, throwing herself into what must be a somewhat daunting environment (full of strangers all wanting your time); and as for Alfie (I really want to call him Alfred after my father!), it was brilliant to meet him. What a good little man.

    I agree with your comments about the hotel staff annd the playlist – it was fabulous.

    Looking forward to next year at the Grove.

  • Geoff Hall
    Geoff Hall

    Great event, Bernard, and what a lovely family you have! Your wife, Helen, was wonderful and relaxed, throwing herself into what must be a somewhat daunting environment (full of strangers all wanting your time); and as for Alfie (I really want to call him Alfred after my father!), it was brilliant to meet him. What a good little man.

    Looking forward to next year at the Grove.

  • Geoff Hall
    Geoff Hall

    Great event, Bernard, and what a lovely family you have! Your wife, Helen, was wonderful and relaxed, throwing herself into what must be a somewhat daunting environment (full of strangers all wanting your time); and as for Alfie (I really want to call him Alfred after my father!), it was brilliant for you two to bring him. WHat a good little man.

    Looking forward to next year at the Grove.

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