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Cropped Bernard Magee Mr Bridge 63l E1507239541146.jpg

First blog post

Bernard Magee - 

First blog post

Just starting a new blog. Getting the feel for the website!

I am just getting ready for another bridge weekend. Heading down to Worthing for the Chatsworth Hotel. A full compliment for a busy weekend.

Back is a little problematic at the moment, with strange spasms, but I am working on it. Acupuncture and massage, as well as new orthotics on the way!

Posted by: Bernard Magee


  • Lesley Titchmarsh
    Lesley Titchmarsh

    How do I get to see you play on BBO tonight?

  • Peter Warburton
    Peter Warburton

    Thank you for your great videos. Regarding suggestions, how about finessing including building the likelihood of opponents distribution.

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