With so much in the picture, I am struggling to keep eyes at the camera!
So the job for the next live stream (Friday 11am) is for me to focus on the camera. We have rearranged the screens to help me, so I hope I manage better.
We are also hoping that the video will be easier to find this time.
And finally I hope I will get the timing right so that I can relax throughout.
Iris Pendergast
So so sorry that we are not in Almeria….even if the holiday is moved to another date..it will of course not be for your birthday!!!
I was also booked for Croatia also a moved date!!! and the cruise with Fred Olsen to the American coastline in October
which as yet I have no info… but hopefully soon.
I like the idea that you have now come up with. Our locale Bridge Club (Meridian East Grinstead) is also setting up next week
as an on line bridge club. Many have been playing on line with BBO I will just have to get used to it!!! Not so good at that.
very best wishes
Iris Pendergast
Lindsay Stewart
Hi Bernard
You are fast becoming the highlight of my Mon,Wed and Fri! I’m a complete dinosaur when it comes to playing online but I’d love to be able to respond live when you ask questions and I’m no idea how to be able to do this- do I need to join something?
I’d be very grateful for some very simple instructions.
Elaine Gilbert
Can’t find today’s video (3rd Apr)
It seemed fine to me, Bernard. You admitted that it was all new, no problem.
Robert Lewis
I am thoroughly enjoying the lessons! You are doing really well – it is new for us all!
Margaret Lewis
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